目前分類:Jack's (2)

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Fox posted on their website the full message Jack recorded for Kim. All rights belong to Fox, 20th Century Fox. No profits are made by posting this video. www.fox.com Thanks to Keazouni for the technical support to integrate the subtitles. Merci à Keazouni pour son aide technique afin d'intégrer les sous-titres.

jushiung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(25) 人氣()

Fox posted on their website the full message Jack recorded for Kim. All rights belong to Fox, 20th Century Fox. No profits are made by posting this video. www.fox.com Thanks to Keazouni for the technical support to integrate the subtitles. Merci à Keazouni pour son aide technique afin d'intégrer les sous-titres.

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