目前分類:ranajune (2)

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Rana Sobhany, twitter.com , rocked the house over the weekend at the iPad Dev Camp in Silicon Valley and here we learn how she was DJ'ing there. You can find her DJ site at www.destroythesilence.com and she's put all the apps she's using here: www.destroythesilence.com

jushiung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(25) 人氣()

Rana Sobhany, twitter.com , rocked the house over the weekend at the iPad Dev Camp in Silicon Valley and here we learn how she was DJ'ing there. You can find her DJ site at www.destroythesilence.com and she's put all the apps she's using here: www.destroythesilence.com

jushiung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(25) 人氣()