目前分類:alcohol (2)

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just add 70% rubbing alcohol and chlorine tablets and you've got a homemade bomb you can get chlorine tablets at wal-mart or any pool supply store. by the way..the audio on my camera is crap and in no way did it get all the sound that this made this echoed....my ears were ringing....and i was scared haha so be careful and be aware for neighbors i was so scared that someone was going to call the cops. wow 7k views.

jushiung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(25) 人氣()

just add 70% rubbing alcohol and chlorine tablets and you've got a homemade bomb you can get chlorine tablets at wal-mart or any pool supply store. by the way..the audio on my camera is crap and in no way did it get all the sound that this made this echoed....my ears were ringing....and i was scared haha so be careful and be aware for neighbors i was so scared that someone was going to call the cops. wow 7k views.

jushiung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(25) 人氣()