目前分類:Printer (2)

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We showed how to install a wireless printer to a wireless network. The customer should already have the network up and running and the printer would be in a location away from the router. The video shows what comes in a printer box, the manual setup from the printer itself to the router, and the actual install of the CD and drivers with a test print. It should show the customer how easy it has become to integrate the wireless printer and should feel more comfortable doing the setup themselves. We decided to take out the eprint demonstration because we did not want to show favoritism to HP. Please let us know if you want us to upload that video as well as it is a neat feature.

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We showed how to install a wireless printer to a wireless network. The customer should already have the network up and running and the printer would be in a location away from the router. The video shows what comes in a printer box, the manual setup from the printer itself to the router, and the actual install of the CD and drivers with a test print. It should show the customer how easy it has become to integrate the wireless printer and should feel more comfortable doing the setup themselves. We decided to take out the eprint demonstration because we did not want to show favoritism to HP. Please let us know if you want us to upload that video as well as it is a neat feature.

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