目前分類:nothing (2)

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So, this is the second Notebook vid I have done, sheerly for the fact that I am not content with my first one and second, there are about four other notebook ones set to the same song. Sorry, I am not a copier, so I had to do something a little different lol. In this vid I am basically showing the love between both younger and older Noah and Ally. Simple.

jushiung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(26) 人氣()

So, this is the second Notebook vid I have done, sheerly for the fact that I am not content with my first one and second, there are about four other notebook ones set to the same song. Sorry, I am not a copier, so I had to do something a little different lol. In this vid I am basically showing the love between both younger and older Noah and Ally. Simple.

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