目前分類:Feint (4)

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Check us out at noobtoob.com Get swag! Shirts, buttons and more: zazzle.com NooBTooB is a weekly independent gaming podcast for casual and serious gamers alike. Games we've been playing: * (iPad) Plants vs. Zombies * (iPad) Aurora Feint * (iPad) Scrabble New Releases: * (360|PS3) Nier * (360|PS3) Super Street Fighter IV

jushiung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Check us out at noobtoob.com Get swag! Shirts, buttons and more: zazzle.com NooBTooB is a weekly independent gaming podcast for casual and serious gamers alike. Games we've been playing: * (iPad) Plants vs. Zombies * (iPad) Aurora Feint * (iPad) Scrabble New Releases: * (360|PS3) Nier * (360|PS3) Super Street Fighter IV

jushiung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(25) 人氣()

Check us out at noobtoob.com Get swag! Shirts, buttons and more: zazzle.com NooBTooB is a weekly independent gaming podcast for casual and serious gamers alike. Games we've been playing: * (iPad) Plants vs. Zombies * (iPad) Aurora Feint * (iPad) Scrabble New Releases: * (360|PS3) Nier * (360|PS3) Super Street Fighter IV

jushiung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(25) 人氣()

Check us out at noobtoob.com Get swag! Shirts, buttons and more: zazzle.com NooBTooB is a weekly independent gaming podcast for casual and serious gamers alike. Games we've been playing: * (iPad) Plants vs. Zombies * (iPad) Aurora Feint * (iPad) Scrabble New Releases: * (360|PS3) Nier * (360|PS3) Super Street Fighter IV

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