MSF, along with many other worthy organizations, were on the ground (so to speak) helping the victims of the devastating flood in Pakistan this past month. While the waters have subsided, the painful task of rebuilding has just begun. MSF is also still in place treating wounds and helping fight the diseases that inevitably come when mother nature decides to remind us who is really in charge. This is a mirror of Kirke420's entry to the MSF's Got Talent Competition. The song is by Roger Waters from his "Amused To Death" album. Work on the song began two months ago but became eerily real when real tragedy struck in the Middle East and MSF jumped into action. How to donate: On MSF's recommendation I have set up donation pages at the following sites; Firstgiving: Justgiving: THIS SITE ACCEPTS DONATIONS THROUGH PAYPAL Credits: Kirke420 - Vocals, Keyboards, Slave Driver, Basically the guy who thought it up. (Thanks!) PJsCreed - Video Production, Editing, Audio Sampling, Technical Support (Thanks!) KirkesMusic - Vocals, Piano, 12-String Guitar, Audio Engineering, Audio Production Verodefacto - Classical Guitar, Drum Programming, Technical Support (Thanks!) OminousVoice - String Arrangement, Technical Support (Thanks!) FeakySnucker - Vocals (Thanks!) ModernSaxDotCom - Saxophone (Thanks!)
目前分類:PAKISTAN (3)
- Feb 15 Tue 2011 20:50
Tribute to MSF in Pakistan - 2010 Flood
- Feb 15 Tue 2011 20:50
Tribute to MSF in Pakistan - 2010 Flood
MSF, along with many other worthy organizations, were on the ground (so to speak) helping the victims of the devastating flood in Pakistan this past month. While the waters have subsided, the painful task of rebuilding has just begun. MSF is also still in place treating wounds and helping fight the diseases that inevitably come when mother nature decides to remind us who is really in charge. This is a mirror of Kirke420's entry to the MSF's Got Talent Competition. The song is by Roger Waters from his "Amused To Death" album. Work on the song began two months ago but became eerily real when real tragedy struck in the Middle East and MSF jumped into action. How to donate: On MSF's recommendation I have set up donation pages at the following sites; Firstgiving: Justgiving: THIS SITE ACCEPTS DONATIONS THROUGH PAYPAL Credits: Kirke420 - Vocals, Keyboards, Slave Driver, Basically the guy who thought it up. (Thanks!) PJsCreed - Video Production, Editing, Audio Sampling, Technical Support (Thanks!) KirkesMusic - Vocals, Piano, 12-String Guitar, Audio Engineering, Audio Production Verodefacto - Classical Guitar, Drum Programming, Technical Support (Thanks!) OminousVoice - String Arrangement, Technical Support (Thanks!) FeakySnucker - Vocals (Thanks!) ModernSaxDotCom - Saxophone (Thanks!)
- Feb 12 Sat 2011 21:03
Breaking News - PAKISTAN PLANE CRASH on 27 November 2010 -Get a jump on Cyber Monday and Get amazing deals here, Some deals are in limited supply, and all of them will go quickly, but don't worry if you miss one because we'll keep adding new ones today and tomorrow. Here are a few of the best deals: • Amazon Shoes: Spend $75, Get 25 percent off; Spend $150, Get 30 percent off (some restrictions apply) • Swiss Legend men's Commander Collection watch: $49.99 (list price: $595) • Panasonic (NYSE: PC - News) S50 Camcorder: $149 (list price: $229) • Save 30 percent to 50 percent on select Fisher Price toys LEARN MORE. Click - A cargo plane crashed into a housing complex in Pakistan's largest city soon after takeoff Sunday, setting off a huge blaze. First repots indicate it's a Russian Cargo plane on it's way to Sudan.