Moleskine Blog/Vlog How to prepare a brand new MOLESKINE® book for 1st use ~ ~ don't just jump right in there and start writing stuff ~ you can start off with ~quality control sticker on inside of file pocket ~Fill in your details + reward for lost and found ~Name/ abbreviation of use for the book on spine or pages ~Number every second page ~The End ~ now start using it !! Post a comment / video responce: what is the 1st things you do with a MOLESKINE® notebook? Do you do anything differently? all video responses auto-accept - feel free~ There are lots of uses for these iconic books, but I always do these things ~ my new prep ritual ~ ^__^ Random blog post: My GTD implementation: RE: Art Journal Workshops With Suzi Blu: Moleskine Journals
- Apr 10 Sun 2011 00:09
MOLESKINE Notebook Prep Preparing a new book for first use Journal art writing sketches hack suziblu