Theje reviews the Alienware M11x gaming netbook. The only detail left out of the review would be about the speakers, which are very good quality for even notebook speakers with a clear, pronounced volume and good stereo range. Alienware M11x Specifications: -Intel Pentium Dual Core SU4100 @ 1.6 Ghz w/ 2 MB L2 cache (can't call it a "Core 2" without an extra MB of cache... kinda lame) -nVidia 335M GT, 1 GB GDDR3 VRAM -4 GB DDR3 1333 RAM -160 GB 5400 SATA HDD -12" 1366x768 display The song playing during the gaming footage is "The Fallen Man" by Joel Michael, which will be available on iTunes, eMusic, Rhapsody and AmazonMP3 starting in April. The song is used with permission from the composer. Thanks for watching!
- Apr 09 Sat 2011 00:31
Theje's Notebook Reviews - Alienware M11x: The Little Notebook That Can... Game!