
So, if you want to dual monitor your iMac with another monitor, all you need is either a Mini Display Port to DVI or VGA, another monitor, and a DVI/VGA Cable. After you have all you need all you have to do is plug everything up! Note, the new iMacs that came out in March use something call an Apple Mini Display Port, and the older iMacs use something just called a Mini DVI and you need something that will convert it to normal DVI or VGA if your monitor doesnt support the Apple Mini Display Port. DVI is better than VGA, DVI is Digital and VGA is basically Analog, in my opinion. So, I would recommend that you get something with DVI if your monitor only has VGA then get something that converts to VGA. This product is available at your local Apple Store, or Best Buy. Check around online and I am sure you will find it. The monitor I used is an AOC 22" monitor that I used as a main monitor for my laptop before i got my iMac. Thanks for watching, and i hope this helped! Follow me on twitter: 

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