When you look at ancient txt´s and traditions all over the world, you find very clear descriptions of an alien race or races that we would call extraterrestial, - not of this planet, - that came to this planet, and brought advanced knowledge long time ago with them. Some of the most famous examples of this, are what have become to known as the sumerian tablets, that were found in what we now call IRAQ. These tablets have been translated by a number of people, mainly by Zecharia Sitchin. The common theme of these tablets is this: They talk of the anunnaki. (In sumerian: Those who from heaven to earth came), and they describe what uranus and neptune look like, in a way thats only been confirmed in the last few years. They depict the solar system with planets, that have only been found in the last century and the 20´th century. How did they do that ?. The sumerian tablets say the knowledge is brought to them by the Anunnaki. More than that. the tablets talk about how the anunnaki interbreed with humanity; creating a hybrid race. We find this theme all over the world. We find it in Genesis in the Bible, wich is a re-write, (when you do the research), of the sumerian stories !!. So we get the theme of "the sons of the gods", who interbread with the daughters of human. But if you take that back to the hebrew, just one step, you find that phrace:"SONS OF GOD" become SONS OF THE GODS" (Interbread with the daugters of men). And every time in the old testament you see the word God ...
- Mar 09 Wed 2011 11:28
David Icke speaks about Nibiru