
Here is a multiplayer match of GoldenEye for the Wii. So far playing it im having a lot of fun. There are a few modes that you can pick in multiplayer: Conflict, Team Conflict, Golden Gun, Black Box, GoldenEye, Heroes, License to Kill, Team License to Kill, & Classic Conflict. You also have loadouts like in Call of Duty where you can customize what weapons and equipments you want for a match. I haven't played all of the modes yet but my favorite mode so far has to be Golden Gun. In this video I play Conflict which is basically Free For All on a level called Docks. I may post another video later on. If anyone else has this game here is my friend code: 4001-0716-4850. Enjoy!

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    ★室內設計。建築。景觀 ★設計人部落格!

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