This is an Android Show quickie in which I try to talk really quick about a particular topic. Today I answered a question I receive all the time from people which is, "Should I get an Android tablet?" Tablets are the new skinny jeans of tech right now. Ever since Apple "changed everything" with the iPad, people have been waiting and for an Android replacement. To many people's surprise, there has been a recent influx of Because Android holds no licensing fees, Android tablets have been crawling out of the woodwork and onto store shelves. Unfortunately, a lot of these "tablets" seem to be lacking in the hardware department and can't even hold a candle to the Apple's evil iPad. A few reasons why most current generation Android tablets aren't the messiah we've been waiting for: 7 inches kinda feels like a toy or slightly oversized cellphone. (10 inches would be ideal). Google wont support any "tablet" over 7 inches. A lot of tablets being released have the same resolution as current superphones. No AMOLED (for those people with bad eyes). Underpowered-ish (Galaxy Tab being the exception but even then, barely cuts it). Most have resistive screens. Kinda pricey (should never be more than $400 with a contract) Most will be outspec'd in only a few months (dual-cores right around the corner). Some things I would need in order to call a tablet complete: Tegra 2 Processor (Google's processor of choice) 1080x720 resolution DLNA support Capacative screen HONEYCOMB!!!! Lots of ...
- Feb 10 Thu 2011 21:51
Is the Samsung Galaxy Tab a good buy??