The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth The Atlantean Dedicated firstly to My Mum.. who is blind and can only see peripheral vision due to Macular Degeneration in the eyes.. I read them and she loves it when I do. And so now I can do this ,for all humanity to access. I want it to be an Audio / Video book ... for the folk afflicted with sight loss. I do sincerly appologise for my hesitations and (erms and ums ) lol It's where I am trying to see the Sacred Texts and Teachings... I am profoundly 'Medicaly ' anyway lol according to them... but now that eye has been looking inside me since January 1st ... Yea new years day night just sitting by the Computer .. These things are set to test us and we are both in FULL acceptance of bodily conditions.. knowing it is merely flesh... Please look after yours.. to allow a full go at this life. I have no need to describe The Emerald Tablets , which should be read at least a hunderd times...only then realy do they start to sink in,,, the wisdoms are surface wisdoms.... but a great scource of Wisdom... and timeless wisdom is within for the discering Studen Of The Great Mystery. Ignoranceis NOT Bliss... Wisdom is If the light is in you.. The Tablets will bring it forth in you.... by their very nature. There is No Religion here... but many Religions you will see reflected here... so what was first ?? Wisdom or Religion lol Ill update the Tabs and descriptions soon... please bear in mimd and forgive my pauses... It cannot be helped.. Im reading off a ...
- Jan 02 Sun 2011 13:07
The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth ( Vid 1 )