
This is an UPDATE on an upcoming BlackBerry's tablet dubbed PlayBook. It is not only an iPad killer, but the most powerful tablet computing device to date. *Good thing they did not go with BlackPad. Exact Transcript: Greetings! Since many new tablets have been announced this year, I got multiple requests to do a rundown for the ones that are worth looking forward to. And now, that BlackBerry PlayBook has been recently revealed to be much more than a rumor, prepare to be UPDATED. Lets start with what seems like the most promising tablet and the biggest competition for the iPad. At this time the BlackBerry PlayBook appears to be the most impressive tablet computing device, and as it has been classified it is the first "professional" tablet. One noteworthy feature that you should know from the start is that the device utilizes a Cortex A9 DUEL-CORE processor clocked at 1 Gigahertz, and compared to current competition it is the most powerful tablet. It should be mentioned that the iPad has a 1 Gigahertz processor, but it is a single core. The rest of PlayBook's specs are just as impressive, it includes: a 7 inch LCD capacitive touch screen with full multi-touch and gesture support at 1024 by 600 resolution, running BB Tablet OS, supporting both HTML5 and Adobe Flash, a full Gigabyte of RAM, 16 or 32 Gigabyte internal storage, high definition front and back facing cameras, Wi-Fi, and Blue tooth. the previously mention BlackBerry Tablet OS was specifically designed for the ...

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