
Syrian composer & pianist Malek Jandali's album "Echoes from Ugarit" is based on the oldest music notation in histroy. Discovered on clay tablets in Ugarit, Syria dating back to 3400 BC Music by Composer & Pianist Malek Jandali with The Ludwig Symphony Orchestra. الموسيقار مالك جندلي - أصداء من أوغاريت: أقدم تدوين موسيقي في العالم اكتشف في أوغاريت - سوريا على لوحات مسمارية تعود إلى الألف الثاني قبل الميلاد Visit the official website: Echoes from Ugarit Music by Syrian composer & pianist Malek Jandali from his album "Echoes from Ugarit" Recorded with The Russian Philharmonic Orchestra. This original composition is based on the oldest music notation in the world, found on clay tablets in the ancient city of Ugarit, Syria. Album now available on iTunes and CD Baby: الموسيقار السوري مالك جندلي: من ألبوم: أصداء من اوغاريت Ugarit, Syria is the birthplace of alphabet and music notation. The interpretation of the music notation of Ugarit is a challenge and several "reconstructions" have been published. The evidence that both the 7-note diatonic scale as well as harmony existed 3400 years ago flies in the face of most musicologists' views that ancient harmony was virtually non-existent or even impossible. This has revolutionized the whole concept of the origin of Western music. This work is founded on the oldest music notation in the world discovered in the ancient Syrian city of Ugarit. The clay tablets contain a hymn to the moon god's wife ...

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